Internship or Supervised Research Request

Getting Started

An internship or supervised research with Wildlife Forensic Sciences & Conservation can help students gain hands-on professional skills that go beyond the online experience.

  • Internships: On-site work in conservation, ecology or wildlife management field work, animal care, zoos, or laboratories are great opportunities to apply the knowledge built by the program.
  • Grading and Max Credits: Graduate Catalog Info WIS6946
  • Supervised Research: Want to explore special topics in-depth? You can distinguish yourself for job prospects by gaining key skills in designing research, working with laboratories and field experience.

Here is what you need to prepare:

  • Fill out the form below. It will be reviewed by the program coordinators, Program Director Susan Underkoffler, MFS, Dr. Hayley Adams,  and Dr. Ngaio Richards. It is important to detail your goals and how an internship or supervised research will support them.
  • If possible, take WIS6050 Professional Communication in Wildlife Forensic Science to bolster your writing skills.
  • Before you can register, the internship or supervised research must be approved. You will submit a detailed plan to Susan Underkoffler, MFS, Dr. Hayley Adams,  and Dr. Ngaio Richards.
  • After you are approved, you will register for
    • For Internships: WIS6946 Internship in Wildlife Forensic Sciences and Conservation (1-6 credits)
    • For Supervised Research: WIS6905: Supervised Research (1-5 credits)
  • Due to the development time involved, internships and/or supervised research will not be considered in your last semester of the program.

Request Form

Internship or Supervised Research Request

  • Please briefly describe your intended internship or research. If unknown, detail your areas of interest for the advisors to help guide you towards your goals.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.